Friday, November 27, 2015

Flossing is essential to our Health

Is Daily Flossing Essential?

In reality flossing is not a laughing matter. Most people will agree that brushing is one of the most important things you can do, yet many still do not floss. The American Dental Association or ADA recommends twice a day flossing as ideal, but would be happy if people would just floss at least once per day. For those already flossing once per day, the ADA recommends increasing that to twice a day alongside your second brushing. Let’s read about flossing of


Flossing is an essential part of taking care of your teeth and gums. The American Dental Association recommends flossing at least once a day to help remove plaque from the areas between your teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach. This is important because plaque that is not removed by brushing and flossing can eventually harden into calculus or tartar. Flossing also helps prevent gum disease and cavities.

What Is The Best Time to Floss—Before or After Brushing?

A Spring 2015 poll asked readers if they brush before or after they floss. The results were close: 53% said they brush before, while 47% said after. Read the article here

Now let’s see why we need to celebrate flossing day, It can be really hard to start flossing. Starting a new habit is just as hard as stopping a bad habit. Flossing can be doubly hard to get into a routine because the first few days you’ll probably have sore gums and teeth afterwards. If you keep up your flossing regimen, it gets easier and easier to do it every day. The best time to floss is before or after you brush your teeth at night before bed. This makes sure that you get all of the food particles out of your teeth so they are not eating at your teeth for the next 8 hours. Here are the main reasons why you should start flossing today and keep it up for life. Read the article of Sandy Johnson

3 Reasons to Celebrate National Flossing Day

Did you know the day after Thanksgiving is always National Flossing Day? Perfect timing for getting stuffing or pumpkin pie unstuck from between your teeth!

Daily flossing, along with brushing, is the best preventative measure against gum disease and tooth decay. Unfortunately, flossing is not very popular. According to a recent study, about 27% of American adults lie to their dentist about how frequently they floss. And 36% would prefer to wash dirty dishes or clean the toilet instead!

Read the article here:


In this day and age, dental floss can be bought in many types of textures, flavors and styles to make it difficult not to find one you like. However, by talking about your issues with your local professional, they will help you with a dental hygiene plan that will make daily flossing a part of your routine.

Credits to all owners

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